Daily Devotional


by Barbara Zumwalt on April 29, 2024

"Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever." Psalm 106:1

Years ago, I was challenged by a youth leader:

"If you had access tomorrow only to the things you were thankful for today," he asked, "what would your life be like?"

The challenge fell on rather deaf ears. Of course shelter, food and clothing were available. That's what parents are there for, right? To provide for my every need.

At least, that's how I was living my "me-first; wah-wah; I need, I need, I want; gimme, gimme, gimme" teenaged life.

And it extended into my 20s. And beyond.

Still, the words of the challenge stuck. And as I grew in the Lord, they humbled me more and more. And I was confronted with how privileged I had been living. Was I truly grateful for anything?

As I have become more aware of how the other half lives (more like how the other 90 percent), I have become more aware of my need to be thankful for how lavishly God has provided for me.

As I think of those in war-torn regions who suffer in the cold, in the wind and rain, with little fresh food and water, without bedding or transportation to even move about, I realize how thankful I should be.

In the shower, I am grateful for running water, for heated water, for plumbing that works and brings it to my house. As I drive to work, I am grateful for the availability of gas and roads not pockmarked by destructive artillery or invasive flooding that washes away vast stretches. As the rain falls, I am grateful for a roof that holds and walls the block the wind.

I tried to spend a day filled with nothing but thankfulness. Here I must confess that often I strayed into whining and complaining. But then I found myself blurting out things like, "Thank you for electricity to run appliances." "Thank you for the ability to read and communicate." "Thank you for the potato peeler."

OK, that one made me laugh when I said it. And I have a suspicion God was laughing, too. But with joy. Although I will NEVER live a life full of nothing but thankfulness, I should still try to do so. It is one tiny step toward a joyful existence.

So here's a start: Thank you for reading this.

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